EES Family Communication January 24, 2025

EES Family Communication January 24, 2025
Posted on 01/24/2025
EES Logo

January 24, 2025

Good afternoon to our EES families!  

As we see some more significant cold weather coming our way, we wanted to share some suggestions around how to ensure students are protected from the cold. When the windchill is between -10 and -27 it is important that students dress in layers of warm clothing and wear a wind resistant outer layer if possible. They should wear a hat, mittens or gloves, a scarf and warm footwear. They should also do all they can to stay dry and keep active. 

Basketball tryouts continue for our intermediate students, and our junior tryouts are beginning as well. 

Destinations Class: The Destinations class is for Grade 7 and 8 students who are innately curious and passionate about learning and leadership in the local, national and global contexts. Deep learning experiences build on learner strengths and needs, create new knowledge using real-life problem solving, focus on digital fluency, and help all students identify their talents, purpose and passion. In the Destinations classroom, students inspire and motivate each other to become lifelong learners and proficient digital navigators. An information session will be held online on February 12 at 6pm. The link will be on our Easthill website closer to February 12.

School Council - We are excited to support student learning at Easthill through the support of the School Council. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 6:00PM in our Learning Commons. We will also offer an online connection for people that may not be able to attend in person, but can join virtually. More details and the link for the Meet will be shared out closer to February 27, 2025.

Check out our Website for up-to-date information on all things EES: Easthill Elementary School

Student Absences -  Detailed information about SafeArrival can be found at Please use the toll-free number, website, or mobile app to report your student’s absence in advance. The toll-free number is 1-833-568-2535. Links to the SafeArrival website and mobile app are available at

EES Information Items & Updates:

  1. January 27-29 - Dental Screening

  2. January 28 - Popcorn Day - Pre-ordered

  3. January 30 - Grilled Cheese and Pickle

  4. February 3 - Pizza Orders for February due by end of the school day

  5. February 4 - Popcorn Day

  6. February 6 - Hashbrown Casserole

  7. February 11 - Popcorn Day

  8. February 12 - Destinations Class Virtual Open House (information on website)

  9. February 18 - Intermediate Girls Basketball

  10. February 18 - Popcorn

  11. February 19 - Ski Trip #2 (Grades 4 to 8)

  12. February 19 - Intermediate Boys Basketball

  13. February 19 - Term 1 Reports Come Home

  14. February 20 - Pancake Breakfast

  15. February 25 - Popcorn

  16. February 27 - School Council - 6pm Learning Commons

  17. February 27 - Hot Lunch - mini pizzas

  18. February 28 - EES Choir performing at Belleville Senators Game

EES Community Supports & Updates:

  1. Mental Health & Well Being Supports for Families

  2. Kids Help Phone – 1 800 668-6867 or text CONNECT to 686868

  3. Children’s Mental Health Crisis Line – 613 966-3100 (15 years old and under)

  4. Quinte Health Care Crisis Line – 613 969-7400 (16 years +)

  5. We’re here to help! Please contact your child’s teacher or EES Administration if you would like to know more about our Child and Youth Worker (Ms. Violi) and how they can support getting connected to community resources.

  6. Children’s Mental Health Resource Poster: CMHS Resource Poster

EES Student Teams & Clubs (currently running with staff involvement):

  1. EES Student Council - Leadership team for intermediate students to further develop the EES Community through student voice and involvement in fundraising and event planning for whole school participation.

  2. JEDI (Justice/Equity/Diversity/Inclusion) Club - A school-based equity club of intermediate students and staff working together to assist and inform our equity plan, considering different perspectives and setting priorities for our school and community.

  3. Sports - Basketball has started for our Intermediate Students, and will begin in the coming weeks for our Junior students. 

  4. EES Band - An exciting after school opportunity (Monday’s & Wednesday’s) for intermediate students interested in learning how to play an instrument.

  5. EES Choir - An opportunity for Grade 1-8 students to participate in a choir that will perform throughout the school year both at EES and within the community.

Easthill Elementary Pizza Days 

We are excited to continue Pizza Days. In partnership with Bourbon Street Pizza, we will be providing cheese pizza slices to students for a cost of $2.50 per slice per week. 

Pizza Days will be on Wednesdays each week. Payment for pizza will be done through our Cash Online payment system. Please review the weekly family communication for steps to set up Cash Online. Pre-ordering only.

Cash Online now has February pizza ordering available, and orders will be due on February 3 at the end of the school day (2:30pm) for pizza delivery on February 5, 12, 19, and 26.  Reminder emails will come out on February 1. This email will arrive even if you have already ordered.  

Ordering will take place every four weeks. It will be posted on Cash Online for all families to access as they wish. If you have any questions or are having difficulty setting up Cash Online, please contact us and we will be happy to support you. Instructions for Cash Online are below.

Popcorn Days

March Popcorn orders are due on Cash Online by February 12, 2024, for March 4, 18 and 25.  It will be delivered on Tuesday’s to those students who have purchased it.  Pre-orders only. 


School Cash Online Printable Instructions.

Step 1: Register 

a) Go to or  select the “Get Started Today” option b - complete each of the three Registration Steps

Step 2: Confirmation Email 

Registration confirmation email - click on the link in the email to confirm your email and School Cash Online account. The link will open the School Cash Online site and will prompt you to sign into your account. Use your email address and password just created with your account. 

Step 3: Find your student(s) 

This step will connect your children to your account. a) Enter the school board name b) Enter the school’s name c) Enter your child’s last name and 9-digit Ontario Education Number (on your child’s report card) or ID number provided to you for new JK’s d) Select continue e) On the next page confirm that you are related to the child, check in the agree box and select continue. f) Your child has been added to your account. 

Step 4: View items or add another student 

If you are in need of your child’s student number to set up Cash Online, please contact the office and they can assist you.