Our EES School day is from 7:55AM-2:30PM. Before school supervision starts at 7:55AM. At this time, parents/guardians are not permitted to be on the school yard at any part of the day- before school or after school (with the exception of the first day of the school year). We have created an EES process for drop off and pick up of students to ensure safety of all students.
When students arrive at the school, they will need to enter through the designated Entry Points (as identified on the map) on our school grounds and go directly to their class line. If possible, we encourage you to not come too early as this will mean your child is standing in line longer.
There will be no parking available for parents/guardians on school property before or after school at this time. Temporary parking strictly for arrival and dismissal, can occur on the street or in the neighbourhood if you are driving.
We are asking that our families use the sidewalks to access the Entry Points of the school grounds and refrain from walking though the parking lots and busing zone.
If your child(ren) qualify for busing, we strongly encourage your family to use this transportation service.
Kindergarten Families
Driving to School:
We will have a 'Kindergarten Family Drop and Go' at Entry Point C in the front parking lot of the school. You cannot park here for a length of time but students can be dropped off, proceed to the sidewalk and enter the Kindergarten play space at the front of the school. EES staff will be present to greet our students as they exit the car and help them to safely enter the Kindergarten play space. Older siblings will follow the north path and line up with their classes on the EES Soccer Field.
Walking to School:
Walkers in Kindergarten will enter through Entry D on Macdonald Ave and staff will help them to safely get to the Kindergarten Play Space to line up.
Buses will arrive in the new EES bus zone. With support from staff, Kindergarten students will walk on pathway in front of the school to join their class in the Kindergarten play space.
Grade 1 - Grade 8
Driving to School:
A DROP and GO area is located on the north side of the school yard off of Macdonald Gardens at Entry Point B. Families with students in Grades 1-8 will pull up to Entry Point B, and your child(ren) can get out of the car and enter the yard. Staff will not be helping get students and their belongings out of vehicles.
Please wait your turn in the line, try to encourage a quick but safe exit from the car and please do not pull ahead of cars in the line.
A staff member will be at the gate to help direct students to their line up area on the EES Soccer Field.
Walking to School:
Students walking to school in Grades 1-8 can enter the school yard at Entry Point A or Entry Point D and join their class on the EES soccer field.
Buses will arrive in the new EES bus zone. Students will walk through the pathway on the north side of the school to join their class lines on the EES soccer field.